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NAWA’s international collaborations and work

ACA Member, the National Academic Exchange Agency (NAWA) has recently launched some exciting collaborations and earned notable recognitions.

One significant project is the International Multilateral Partnerships for Resilient Education and Science System in Ukraine (IMPRESS-U). IMPRESS-U is the result of an international agreement between grant organisations from six countries, including the  U.S. (U.S.NSF and NASEM), Poland (NAWA and NCN), Ukraine (NRFU), Estonia (ETAG), Latvia (LCS) and Lithuania (RCL). The programme will support research in any field of science, engineering, education and innovation, making it once again possible to support scientific and technical projects integrating Ukrainian scientists into the international research community. With a commitment of EUR 1.4 million, the initiative will enhance existing projects to include international collaboration under the International Supplements section.

NAWA's proactive approach is also evident in its upcoming event with fellow ACA member , the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE). This Polish-Spanish networking meet-up, scheduled for 20 October in Warsaw, expects to bring together universities from both countries. Discussions will focus on joint research, options for student exchanges , and modern online learning methods, such as COIL.

In addition, NAWA has recently been honoured with the Economic Programme Award - Made in Poland 2023 This will be presented on 8 September at the 4th Made in Poland Congress, in Berlin and will highlight Polish manufacturers and high-quality education that contributes to developing new technologies. This award is a testimony to the Agency's essence and the quality of promoting Polish science abroad.

For ACA, NAWA's active initiatives and such collaborations amongst our members are truly inspiring. These initiatives underscore the importance and dedication of our members in our shared vision of developing European cooperation in international higher education and research.