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Navracsics presents 2015 Commission Work Programme

For the first time since the Commissioner’s hearings, Tibor Navracsics was present at the meeting European Parliament’s Committee for Culture and Education (CULT) on 19-20 January. During his participation, Mr. Navracsics touched the topic of the recent attacks in Paris highlighting the importance of education to develop a critical mind and to help understanding and accepting the differences, and he urged the need to cooperate with Education National Ministries and try to give a united response to counter radicalisation and marginalisation by using the European tools at disposal. 

He discussed the role and place of education within the 2015 Commission Work Programme, in particular highlighting three major initiatives:

  • Investment Plan for Europe: Navracsics stated that education is one of the top priorities for new investment, acknowledging the need to invest more in education.  
  • Review of the Europe 2020 strategy: while announcing that the Commission’s proposals will be published in the coming months, Navracsics endorsed the objective suggested by the European Parliament P to increase the number of youngsters who complete tertiary education. 
  • Digital Single Market and the opportunity to expand cross-border access to culture and education.
Finally, Mr. Navracsics ensured his full commitment to the other priorities presented in October, among which the goal of helping European universities to excel in the global context.

Among other discussion points beyond Navracsics participation, the CULT Committee reviewed the follow-up work on the implementation of the Bologna process and listened to Latvian Minister of education and science Marite Seile, presented Latvian Presidency priorities in education and training (sea ACA Newsletter “Education Europe”, Edition January 2015).