ACA’s upcoming European Policy Seminar (EPS
) will address the complex area of mobility-migration interplays and overlaps in theory and practice, the different legal and economic frameworks that affect them both at EU and national level, the links and gaps between policy, practice and research as well as the desired measures to increase the synergies between them.
This seminar aims to inform policymakers and practitioners alike of ongoing and relevant research, to create space for the policy-practice-research ‘trialogue’, to point to some effective practices that can serve as an example and inspiration to national-level actions and university initiatives. Our
speakers represent the EU and national policymakers, researchers from across Europe, higher education institutions and European associations.
What will participants get out of the seminar?
- A critical overview of mobility trends and patterns, insights into European and global highly skilled migration
- The latest developments concerning the national implementation of the 2016 Directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of research, studies and training, and other measures for talent attraction and retention
- The updates on the implementation of the Eurograduate project, the European graduate tracking initiative
- The latest research on (less desired) outcomes of mobility and the position of highly skilled immigrants on the labour market
- Updates and analysis on national and EU-level public diplomacy initiatives through student recruitment and alumni engagement
- Information on the Science4Refugees initiative and the opportunity to get familiar with some of the ongoing projects supporting the integration of students and scholars with a refugee background
If you are interested to find out more, take a look at the seminar
programme. We look forward to welcoming you on 9 November in Brussels!
REGISTER now and catch the early-bird fee.