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Despite the corona pandemic, interest in Germany as a place to study and research remains high. According to current plans, the coming winter semester will start later than usual - at the beginning of November - and will consist of a mixture of classroom lectures and digital teaching units. The DAAD is supporting universities and students with various measures to prepare for the winter semester 2020/2021.
Together with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, two new programmes have been set up to promote digital study content and offerings: International Virtual Academic Collaboration (IVAC) and International Programmes Digital (IP Digital). IVAC supports the expansion of digital international cooperation on teaching and learning content, while the IP Digital programme aims to completely digitalise internationally oriented master's degree programmes that have already been successful.
On 25 August, 48 projects at 41 universities were selected for funding until the end of 2021 under the IVAC programme with around 5,5 Mio €.
Students, academics and researchers can start their DAAD scholarship virtually and later physically transfer to their chosen institution, if it will not be possible to enter Germany or leave the country initially. Prerequisite: online studies or a digital research stay is possible at the desired institution abroad or in Germany. Alternatively, they can postpone the start of the fellowship.
For the physical presence of international students from non-EU countries in Germany, the DAAD, together with the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), has developed sample letters, which make it easy for German universities and prospective students to prove that they are required to be present and can thus apply for their visas. Furthermore, in view of the dynamic pandemic, the DAAD advocates for flexible regulations, also for an entry for purely online study programmes.
With these offers and programmes, the DAAD wants to contribute to making the coming winter semester - whether virtual or physical - a successful semester.
The link is available here.