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Allinson,K., Gabriels, W. (2021) Maybe it will be different abroad: Student and Staff Perspectives on Diversity and Inclusion in student exchanges. SIEM Research Report. Erasmus Student Network AISBL
The cross-cutting objective of the SIEM (Social Inclusion and Engagement in Mobility) project is to ensure that more young people with fewer opportunities participate in the Erasmus programme. The goal of this report is to provide an analysis of patterns and trends in mobility by less advantaged student groups, and to gather intelligence which will support the increased participation of underrepresented groups in the Erasmus programme.
The research for this project focuses on outgoing mobility, that is the opportunity for learning abroad which students can access during their degree programme including study, work, and volunteer abroad programmes. The research undertaken to support this project included a literature review, as well as the circulation of a staff survey (785 responses) and a student survey (12820 responses). These were used to map trends in mobility participation, and to better understand the barriers experienced by students. The project consortia also ran 10 focus groups and undertook 6 study visits to institutions in five nations in order to gather additional intelligence and inform the report's recommendations.
Read the full report here.