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Launch of the European Higher Education Sector Scoreboard

In January 2025, the European Commission launched the first edition of the European Higher Education Sector Scoreboard (EHESS), a key tool of the European Higher Education Sector Observatory (EHESO).  

EHESS is an interactive data visualisation platform designed to monitor progress towards the policy agenda of the European Education Area (EEA) by showcasing relevant indicators on countries and higher education systems. It presents higher education data and information from different sources (e.g., EUROSTAT, ETER, EUROSTUDENT) at country level, organised according to the key EU higher education policy objectives: 

  • Transnational cooperation in Europe in higher education, research and innovation (i.e., transnational mobility of staff; transnational mobility of students; cooperation of institutions in education, research and innovation) 
  • Future-proof skills and cooperation with industrial ecosystems (i.e., perceived value of teaching and pedagogical innovation; strengthening quality and relevance of future-proof skills; cooperation with industrial ecosystems; promoting entrepreneurship; engagement in green transition; engagement in digital transition) 
  • EU Values (i.e., institutional autonomy and academic freedom; gender balance; diversity and inclusiveness) 
  • International cooperation in higher education, research and innovation (i.e., global role in education; global role in research and innovation) 
  • Higher education sector context indicators. 

A dedicated conference is organised on 30 January 2025 in Brussels, Belgium to discuss the first edition of the EHESS and the way forward with the higher education stakeholders.  

Other elements of the EHESO are:  

  • Benchmarking tool for higher education institutions powered by U-Multirank and ETER, which is foreseen to be fully operational in 2025. 
  • Strategic Transformation Toolbox, which includes a list of useful tools and resources for higher education institutions supporting their strategic development. 
  • EHESO microdata covering ca. 3.500 higher education institutions in EU-27, EFTA, EU candidate and potential candidate countries with the 2011-2022 timespan.