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The European Commission's Joint Research Centre has released a report on Free Digital Learning Opportunities for Migrants and Refugees: An Analysis of Current Initiatives and Recommendations for their Further Use. The paper is the final report of the MOOCs4inclusion project, and summarises the results of five-month research in 2016 on the efficiency and efficacy of free digital learning (FDL) offers for the integration, inclusion and further learning of migrants and refugees in Europe and in neighbourhood regions in conflict. It outlines the main FDL initiatives identified through desk research, interviews and focus groups with the main stakeholder groups, learning providers and migrants/refugees in different circumstances and with different profiles.
Some of the research findings are that targeted, blended approaches are considered by all the major groups to be the most effective for engaging migrant/refugee learners. This primarily refers to formal education, but also to some extent to language and integration courses, which represent the major initiatives identified in the study, especially the former.
Joint Research Centre - (full report)