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International Handbook of Universities 2018 – IAU

The latest edition of the International Handbook of Universities is now available for consultation. It represents the most exhaustive guide to global higher education, providing information on more than 18 400 universities and HEIs from over 186 countries. It was first published in 1959, every two years, while now, considering its significant increase in contributions and scope, it is produced yearly. It is usually printed in a three-volume set and it provides single-user online access to the World Higher Education Database which includes advanced search options and sorting tools, and is regularly updated in collaboration with UNESCO.

The Handbook includes:

  • information on HEIs that offer at least a graduate degree or a four-year professional diploma, such as contact details, brief historical background, courses offered, admission requirements, tuition fees, numbers of students and staff, quality assurance and recognition systems;
  • information on education systems in each country (firstly introduced in the 2009 edition); and 
  • a list of regional and international higher education organisations.    
