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Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Tertiary Education and Employment

Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Tertiary Education and Employment. OECD, Paris, 2011. ISBN: 978-9-2640-9741-4. Pages: 144.

This report is one of the results of the OECD’s five-year project on pathways for disabled students to tertiary education and employment. Providing deep insight into the problem of the transition of young adults with disabilities from school to tertiary education and work, it analyses the policy experiences of six OECD countries (the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Ireland, Norway and the United States) and identifies recent trends in access to education and employment as well as best transition policies and practices.

The analysis shows that inclusive policies have increased access to tertiary education for young adults with disabilities over the past decade. However, transition issues, especially with regard to work opportunities, still remain a concern and require further policy action for the development of efficient transition policies. Amongst other details, the report highlights 

  • factors that foster or hinder the transition to tertiary education and work; 
  • strengths and weaknesses of policies and support given to young adults with disabilities; and 
  • strategies that exist in upper secondary schools and tertiary education institutions to smooth this transition.

The report also provides policy recommendations for governments and educational institutions to ensure that young adults with disabilities enjoy the same success and transition opportunities as those individuals without disabilities.