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Martin, M. (Ed.). In search of the triple helix: Academia-industry-government interaction in China, Poland and the Republic of Korea. UNESCO, Paris, 2011. ISBN: 978-92-803-1323-9. Pages: 269.
Relying on the prior research of the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) on innovative tools developed by higher education institutions to manage their university-industry linkages, this newest IIEP publication explores a broader range of interactions between the key stakeholders in the innovation process. These are universities and higher education institutions, research organisations involved in knowledge production, the enterprise sector represented by private and public organisations, and governments or policy makers.
In Search of the Triple Helix presents three case studies on the government participation role in the enhancement of academia–industry partnerships in three different countries. China, Poland and the Republic of Korea provide different examples of roles played by governments in the regulation of R&D policies and academia–industry linkages. The three major approaches used by these countries for the support of academia–industry partnerships – orchestration, planning and substitution – are described in detail in this publication.
UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning