On Thursday, 24 November, Ulf Lie passed away in his home town of Bergen, finally losing his fight against a terminal illness.
Ulf Lie was the founding Director General of SIU, Norway’s internationalisation agency and ACA member. He led and developed this fine organisation from 1991 to 2004, when SIU was transformed into a government agency. Until 2006, he still served the new SIU Director General as advisor in strategic matters. Ulf also served as a engaged Board member of ACA and as an ACA Vice-President at various stages. After his retirement, he reinforced the ACA Secretariat, serving as ACA Deputy Director for the duration of one year. Ulf was one of the very few internationalists to be awarded the EAIE’s Constance Meldrum Prize for Vision and Leadership.
A specialist in English and American literature, Ulf was a walking encyclopaedia, full of quotations. Prior to his time at the helm of SIU, he taught American literature at university. Ulf was an unwavering European, deeply committed to European integration and very much also to ACA.
Ulf was a real ‘Mensch’. We will miss him, his friendship, warmth, and dry sense of humour. We are poorer without him. As he would probably have done at the death of a friend, we are quoting the English poet John Donne:
Therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.
Rest in peace, Ulf