The hugely popular and, by the same token, extremely competitive Horizon 2020 programme is entering its next programme phase with a generous budget. In October the European Commission announced the new work programme for 2016-2017 with an allocation of EUR 16 billion to universities, research institutions and businesses pursuing research and innovation projects. This represents an increase by EUR 1 billion compared to the 2014-2015 budget, with the total funding for Horizon 2020 planned at EUR 77 billion over the seven-year period. All funding opportunities are tied to the priorities of the Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and are expected to contribute to the Jobs, Growth and Investment Package through supporting EU’s global competitiveness, job creation and growth.
All in all, the activities under the work programme will cover nearly 600 topics, with funding focused on the following priority areas:
- Boosting Jobs, Growth and Investment, with more than EUR 4 billion for small and medium enterprises, pan-European research infrastructures and funding through the European Research Council (ERC) for innovative research;
- A Connected Digital Single Market, with more than EUR 400 million earmarked for the internet of things, digital security, automated road transport and a European open space cloud;
- Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy, with over EUR 1.5 billion worth in calls on smart and sustainable cities, energy efficiency, competitive low-carbon energy, renewable energy and solutions for greening the economy;
- A Deeper and Fairer Internal Market with a Strengthened Industrial Base, with more than EUR 1.7 billion reserved for the circular economy, personalised medicine and mobility growth;
- Stronger Global Actor, Towards a New Policy on Migration, and An Area of Justice and Fundamental Rights Based on Mutual Trust, with funds going towards the security of the EU external borders, the fight against crime and terrorism and international cooperation in innovation; and
- Cross-cutting and other features, with over EUR 200 million for closing the research and innovation divide.
With 36 732 eligible proposals submitted under
European Commission
European Commission - Fact sheet