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Highlights from "Citizenship Education at School in Europe"

(June 2005) Produced with the support of the European Commission, this new EURYDICE study focuses on citizenship education at primary and general secondary levels. The strengthening of social cohesion and more active participation by citizens in social and political life have become central concerns of national governments and the European Union. This study considers the contribution made by education in 30 European countries to developing responsible citizens. Key ideas:

  • In virtually all countries, the aims of education in citizenship include the acquisition of political literacy, the development of civic attitudes and the encouragement of active participation. The European or international dimension is also taken into account.
  • Pupils, especially those in secondary education, are able to take part in the activities of their school decision-making bodies and become actively involved in various projects or local initiatives.
  • School culture in relation to citizenship is taken into account in the external evaluation of schools in half of all countries.
  • Citizenship education is always a component of initial teacher education in two-thirds of all countries.