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Global University Network for Innovation. Higher education in the world 4. Higher education's commitment to sustainability: From understanding to action. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-2305-3555-8. Pages: 384.
This publication is part of the GUNI (Global University Network for Innovation) series of annual reports that explores key issues of higher education, with a special emphasis on the theme of the social commitment of universities. This fourth report includes papers by 85 authors from 38 countries, who investigate the links between sustainability and higher education, and explain how higher education institutions can play a significant role in building a sustainable paradigm to face local and global challenges.
The report draws a map of regions to show their advancement with regard to the subject. This regional perspective of higher education, environment and sustainability (which extends to a wide range of regions from Africa and Latin America to Europe and North America) is complemented with trend analysis, network experiences and good practices. The report thus offers a broad overview of different approaches that contribute to the transformation of higher education worldwide. Finally, it provides insight into major barriers that prevent higher education institutions from contributing to the sustainability paradigm and highlights possible solutions to advance global action.
Palgrave Macmillan