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Higher education governance between democratic culture, academic aspirations and market forces, J. Kohler, J. Huber, S. Bergan, Council of Europe higher education series No.5, 2006. ISBN 92-871-5957-2
This publication is the result of a conference on higher education governance. It is also the outcome of a three-year project launched in 2003 by the Council of Europe's steering committee for higher education and research the aim of which was to strengthen the participation of students, staff and other stakeholders in higher education governance.
This work sets out to describe governance matters in higher education, highlight current challenges in this field and link them to basic issues debated in society at large and to the Bologna Process in particular. In doing so, it seeks to contribute well-founded arguments to a necessary, ongoing discussion rather than to present firm conclusions. Furthermore, this discussion is bound to gain in importance and relevance as the transformation process of the European Higher Education Area intensifies and issues of sustainable governance of change move up the agenda.
Higher education governance between democratic culture, academic aspirations and market forces