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Harnessing AI in science: Europe’s path to global competitiveness

The European Commission recently released a detailed policy brief on the crucial role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the realm of science and innovation. The document advocates a tailored European Research Area policy to speed up and facilitate the adoption of AI in science, shedding light on AI's transformative impact across various stages of research, significantly accelerating discovery, problem-solving, and addressing worldwide challenges.  

The policy brief highlights the following areas for action:    

  • reducing barriers to adoption of AI in science; 
  • strengthening the data and compute ecosystem for AI in science; 
  • identifying strategic R&I investments for the integration of AI in science; 
  • monitoring the impact of AI on research careers; 
  • addressing AI-related ethical challenges in science; 
  • communicating, monitoring, and evaluation actions to preserve public trust in AI-driven science. 

The brief's release marks a crucial moment in Europe's strategic approach to AI, aiming to solidify its position as a global leader in scientific innovation and economic growth. This news also comes at a pivotal moment for the Academic Cooperation Association with members showcasing concrete interest in the topic of AI during the last General Assembly.  

In the wake of this development, the Brussels Office of the ACA Member, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is organizing a relevant event "Attracting and Retaining Talent for AI in Europe," scheduled for 24 January 2024, 09:00-13:15 CET in Brussels. The event will reflect on current policy objectives for attracting and retaining AI talent in Europe, showcasing targeted higher education programmes from Germany and other EU countries. It will provide a platform to discuss ways to enhance talent acquisition and retention, crucial for sustaining Europe's competitive edge in AI.  

For more information and to register, please visit the event page