This call aims to further intensify the services provided by the EURAXESS Service Centers by expanding their mandate of taking care of the early career development of researchers and entrepreneurs in Europe with particular focus on female Higher Education Institution students and researchers.
The services of the EURAXESS network will reach out to mobile and non-mobile researchers and entrepreneurs with the aim of contributing to European policy developments in this area on opening new career trajectories in industry, thus including start-ups.
This action will support activities of the EURAXESS Service Network represented by Bridgehead Organisations to address strategic issues related to support services of the network. The further diversification of career development and/or support for dual careers centers will be expanded over a wider geographical range of the network, support to researchers and young entrepreneurs for start-ups in SMEs and industry and concepts for better integration of researchers into the culture of the host country and to the culture of a business environment, as well as mentoring programmes for researchers.
Planned opening: 11 December 2018
Deadline: 2 April 2019 (17:00 Brussels time)
Total Budget:
EUR 3 million

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