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Crystal Tremblay, Budd Hall and Rajesh Tandon, Global Trends for Support Structures in Community University Research Partnerships, Survey Results of the UNESCO Chair in Community-based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education, UNESCO, 2014. Pages: 27.
This global survey is part of the IDRC Project on Community University Research Partnerships (CURP) and its main aim is to map community university research partnerships, the structures in this regard and the perspectives of various stakeholders. In addition to documenting advanced CURP structures, the survey has captured those working in pre-formal structures or intermediary mechanisms of engagement, to inform on challenges faced to progress toward institutionalization. The survey was designed in collaboration with regional partners and aims to capture a diverse and broad understanding and practice of CURP structures around the world. The survey results also documents the best practices undertaken in different parts of the world to support such partnerships.