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The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) announced the five winners of the second round in the national Excellence Cluster Competition. Different from the German Excellence Initiative, that funds individual higher education institutions, the Excellence Cluster Competition was launched in the summer of 2007 under the slogan "Germany's excellence clusters - more innovation, more growth, and more employment". The selected clusters are expected to boost Germany's innovative strengths and economic progress.
The five winners, selected out of 23 applications, are
There five clusters rose to ten the number of clusters selected so far.
Three rounds of selection were planned in total. In each round, up to EUR 200 million are made available to up to five excellence clusters, over a period no longer than five years, for the purpose of implementing ideas and concepts within their cluster. There is no restriction on the topics: those applicants who come up with the best strategies for future markets - in their particular sector - will be selected. The implementation envisages a matching level of financial participation on the part of businesses and private investors.