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In 2013, almost 20 000 foreign degree students studied in Finnish higher education institutions, almost three times as many as in the year 2000. The increase in the number of international students makes the investigation of the impact of international education topical.
The Government Institute for Economic Research VATT and the Centre for International Mobility CIMO produced a preliminary report about the economic impact of international students. The new CIMO Facts Express looks into what we know about the economic impact of international students on the basis of this preliminary report and other studies published in Finland and elsewhere. The Facts Express also examines the development of foreign degree student numbers in Finnish higher education institutions and the possible impacts of setting tuition fees in Finland.
Analysis on the costs and benefits of international students or immigrants on public economy have been conducted in many countries. According to these calculations, higher education students have a positive impact on the economy of the receiving country. In particular, crucial from the productivity point of view is that students remain in the country after graduation and find employment at their educational level.