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Experts convene to refine innovative teaching tools

A diverse team of experts recently met in Tbilisi, Georgia, marking a significant milestone in the PROFFORMANCE+ project. At the invitation of the Georgian partners – the National Centre for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE) and the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) – the key stakeholders came together on the 17 and 18 January 2024. The event was organised by the Hungarian coordination, the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, and ACA member, the Tempus Public Foundation. 

This consortium meeting and expert workshop primarily focused on the conceptual development of PROFFORMANCE's innovative products, which are set to be released in the academic year 2024-2025. A highlight of the event was a session organised by the NCEQE, where participants were able to hear two introductory presentations, which provided ideas on the horizontal - i.e. university partners - and vertical - i.e. public education - use of the project results. This was followed by an international panel discussion, where the Academic Cooperation Association along with representatives from the Bologna Follow-Up Group and the European Students Union gave their perspectives on the international dissemination of the PROFFORMANCE products.  

Finally, partners and experts discussed in mixed groups the opportunities and challenges of the national and institutional integration of the tools. The collaborative efforts were fruitful, culminating in the refinement of a comprehensive well-rounded assessment system, including a course portal offering information and guidance in the four priority areas. 

Explore these innovative teaching tools by visiting the official PROFFORMANCE website and LinkedIn page.