European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice/Cedefop. Eurydice Brief: Tackling Early Leaving from Education and Training. European Commission, June 2015. Pages: 26
This Eurydice Brief on Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET) shows that collectively, Member States are getting closer to the EU headline target: by 2020, the share of early leavers from education and training (aged 18-24) should be less than 10 %. Nevertheless, ELET remains still a serious challenge in many EU countries. Even if all countries have put in place measures to fight against early leaving, only a few have so far developed a specific ELET strategy, integrating prevention, intervention and compensation measures. The report also looks at how education, career guidance and cross-sector cooperation play an important role. It covers all the EU Members States as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey – the reference year is 2013/14.