The Eurydice Network just published a Brief synthesising the Eurydice report originally published in May 2014: “
Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe 2014: Access, Retention and Employability.” The report, which was covered in ACA Newsletter – Education Europe,
Student retention:
- Develop national policies, objectives and action, such as setting completion targets and limiting time to complete degrees.
- Provide incentives to higher education institutions to improve performance.
3) Employability and transition to the labour market
- Involve employers in the various steps of developing and evaluating study programmes.
- Increase training and work placements, possibly via incentives to employers and higher education institutions.
- Ensure high quality career guidance, which is particularly beneficial for non-traditional learners.
- Monitor graduates’ labour market entry, especially through graduate self-assessment.
- Evaluate performance, e.g. require universities to submit employability-related information prior to programme accreditation.