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European universities diversifying income streams: Financially sustainable universities II

Estermann, T., & Pruvot, E. B. European universities diversifying income streams: Financially sustainable universities II. EUA, Brussels, 2011. ISBN: 978-9-0789-9724-5. Pages: 96.

How financially sustainable are Europe’s universities in the times of economic crisis and what are the major funding trends in European higher education? Capitalising on its previous research on financially sustainable universities, the European University Association (EUA) presents in this report its latest findings on this subject in the context of the the European Universities Diversifying Income Stream (EUDIS) project. This is an initiative EUA is currently implementing together with Heads of University Management and Administration Network in Europe (HUMANE), the Bavarian State Institute for Higher Education Research and Planning, and the University of Bologna.

The report reviews state-of-the-art of income diversification in European universities, looking into incentives to and drivers of income diversification, as well as external and internal hurdles to the development of successful income diversification efforts. It identifies best and transferable practices that improve the framework conditions for universities and their ability to act strategically in this area. While the importance of a diversified income structure and funding on a full cost basis is particularly stressed in the report, the publication also advocates for sufficient and sustainable public funding of European universities.