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European Parliament: lifelong learning and ICT crucial for the Lisbon process

In October, the European Parliament adopted a non-legislative resolution on education as the cornerstone of the Lisbon process. In this resolution, the Parliament calls on the Member States to implement the "Education & Training 2010" work programme, considered as crucial for the achievement of the wider Lisbon objectives. The top priorities underlined in the resolution are making lifelong learning a reality and improving the training and use of ICT.
The Member States are also called on to take actives steps to:

  • reduce administrative obstacles to mobility and mutual recognition of qualifications,
  • ensure universal access to quality education,
  • reduce the high number of early school leavers, and  
  • ensure a 15 percent increase in the number of science graduates in the next five years.

The Parliament expressed its approval for the 29 indicators used by the Commission to assess the performance of European teaching systems in respect to the “Education and Training 2010” work programme and agreed on the need to develop new indicators for areas where they are still lacking (like ICT and adult education). The Parliament asked the Council and the Commission to reserve in the next financial perspectives sufficient budgetary allotments for all measures relating to lifelong education and training.  

The Parliament resolution
Resolution procedure file