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As the European elections are getting closer, many citizens and civil society organisations are joining forces through the This time I’m voting campaign, with the aim to encourage as many people as possible to vote. This grass roots campaign gathers over 150 000 volunteers in all member states who are committed to mobilise families, friends, colleagues and neighbours to cast their votes on 23-26 May 2019. The European Parliament launched the platform, which is available in 24 languages, to support the campaign and increase the voter turnout. The online platform disseminates all the different activities and awareness-raising initiatives that are being organised in all EU member states.
Many student and university organisations – such as ESN, ESU, EUA, EURASHE and the Lifelong Learning Platform – are actively taking part in the campaign, by contributing to organising activities and events. For example, in April, the Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) organised a series of events and debates on campus, while the European Students’ Union (ESU) launched a European Parliament Election Student Survey to understand the motivation and reasons of students to vote in the upcoming 2019 elections. The European University Association (EUA) also supports the campaign, by showcasing events and initiatives linked to the European elections at the university level. In addition, EUA will organise a webinar on 9 May 2019 on the importance of the EP elections for higher education and research policies.