On 30 November, in conjunction with the celebrations of the Erasmus’ 30th birthday, the Erasmus+ annual report for 2016 has been released by DG EAC. The 2016 programme has been characterised by the implementation of the Paris Declaration, which resulted in giving particular attention to projects involving refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. The figures revealed in the report are all in all very positive: the budget for the year 2016 was EUR 2,27 billion, that is 7,5% higher than the previous year. It supported 725,000 mobilities and funded 21,000 projects between 79,000 organisations.

Source: Erasmus+ Annual Report 2016
The Key Action 1 – the largest action in Erasmus+, supporting learning mobility of individuals – received 54% of the total budget (EUR 1,24 billion). Regarding the sub-action KA103 – Higher Education mobility, the report demonstrates that in 2016, nearly 3,900 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) were awarded mobility grants (4% more than 2015). The majority of mobilities were undertaken by participants at Bachelor level, followed by the Master level, and to a lesser extent Doctorate level. The top five fields of studies were: business, administration and law, arts and humanities, engineering, education, and social sciences and journalism. A considerable step forward has undoubtedly been made through the implementation of the Online Learning Agreement, officially launched in 2016, thanks to which HEIs are now able to draft and sign learning agreements online while simultaneously increasing transparency and efficiency.
Source: Erasmus+ Annual Report 2016
Equally noteworthy is the KA107 related to HE students and staff mobility between programme and partner countries: the share of outgoing grants from programme to partner countries has increased from 31% in 2015 to 36% in 2016. More over the ratio between students and staff has shifted to 45%/55%, with staff mobility in the majority for the first time.
All in all, it is stated in the report that 2016 was a successful year for the Erasmus+ programme, registering a continuous and steady rise in the number and quality of applications for almost all actions. With over 2 million mobilities realised in the three-year period 2014-2020, the Erasmus+ programme is well on track to meet its target of supporting 4 million people by 2020.
You can read the full report