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On 24 and 25 February the CULT Committee met and voted, amongst others, on a resolution asking for a stronger European Union digital education policy leading to an inclusive access to digital education across the Member States. The Resolution comes in response to the European Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP) for 2021-2027, launched in September 2020. The latter aims to foster the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem and enhance digital skills and competences for the digital transformation.
The CULT Committee's report for a resolution commends the decision to align the DEAP with the multiannual financial framework (MFF), as this allows for a longer-term perspective and ties it in with the relevant funding instruments. It also underlines the importance of the plan in delivering the European Education Area by 2025. Furthermore, it highlights the need to enhance tools at Union level to open up lifelong learning opportunities and to enable full and quality access to university and post-university courses and materials.
Last but not least, in regards to Higher Education, the Committee adopted a report asking the Committee of Budgets to include the following points in this motion for a resolution. Firstly, Member States to allocate 10 % of the overall budget of national recovery and resilience plans to investments in quality and inclusive education. Secondly, to implement the inclusion provisions of Erasmus+ by establishing an inclusion framework within six months of their entry into force, which will require specific financial support measures.
The next CULT Committee meeting will take place on 15 and 16 March 2021.