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Van Hees, Valérie and Montagnese, Dominique. (2020). Making mobility programmes more inclusive for students with disabilities Inclusive Mobility - Research Report. Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO).
On the 9th of November the EPFIME research report was launched by the Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO) and the Flemish Ministry for Education and Training.
The EPFIME project is a 2-year project co-funded by Erasmus+ KA3 Support to Policy reform "Support to the implementation of EHEA reforms - 2018-2020".
The EPFIME consortium report examines in-depth the needs and expectations on inclusive mobility of national authorities, students with disabilities and higher education institutions across Europe, while focusing on how national authorities and higher education institutions can collaborate more strongly to ensure the quality and the transferability of support services for both incoming and outgoing students with disabilities in exchange programmes.
The definition for ‘Inclusive Mobility’ followed in the research refers to creating adequate conditions to learn, work, or volunteer abroad for people with free opportunities, by addressing their diverse support needs. An individual needs-based approach is key to answer to the needs of the students.
The new research report and recommendation and good practice booklet are based on online surveys , focus groups and desk research, compiling feedback of 1,134 responses from students with disabilities, 114 higher education institutions and 23 ministries of Education across the European Higher Education Area.
Some of the key results of the report were shared during the launch event webinar on 9 November: