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The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) has launched a public consultation, encouraging those with a stake in innovation, research and education to ’have their say’ in shaping the future of the Institute. The consultation links to an external evaluation initiated by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture, covering the period of January 2011 till December 2015.
Further opening up a process of improvement, to support the EIT in revitalizing its activities, comes timely in light of April developments that brought the release of a special report by the European Court of Auditors. This report cast some doubt on the EIT’s ability to reach its core aim (see ACA Newsletter- Education Europe, April 2016) and voiced critique for a “ complex framework and management problems’’. The report highlighted key weaknesses ranging from persisting funding models and grant structures, to the relation between the EIT and its KICs (Knowledge and Innovation Communities). Gaps in monitoring procedures, that commended streamlining and a need to refocus on delivering impact, were among the recommendations produced.
The consultation is open for public input till November 2016, and yielded results will be compiled into a report supporting the European Commission’s efforts in designing the EIT’s future initiatives, as well as the next Strategic Innovation Agenda (2021-2027). Collected evidence will also be directed at the European Parliament, the Council, the EESC and Committee of the Regions.
The public consultation now adds another piece to the puzzle on pending improvements in the EIT’s work, management and functioning, with the potential to bring novel insights on how best to achieve the institutes core aim of ‘boosting innovation in Europe’.