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EIT: EUA comments on the latest EC communication

The European University Association (EUA) has sent further comments to the European Commission following the release of the Commission’s latest communication on the European Institute of Technology (EIT) (see the June issue of the ACA Newsletter Education Europe). Earlier on the EUA had questioned the appropriateness of the proposed legal construction of the EIT knowledge communities. In its response to the June 2006 communication, the EUA 1) addresses areas where improvements in the revised texts have been made; 2) draws attention to the questions to be clarified; 3) provides further input on key aspects of the EIT proposal.

1) Areas of consent

  • Universities as a whole should be “shareholders” and partners in the strategic development of the EIT;
  • Flexible EIT staffing arrangements.

2) Questions to be clarified

  • The relationship between the EIT and the Knowledge Communities;
  • The EIT’s legal personality;
  • The work and tasks of the EIT’s secretariat;
  • The awarding of degrees. EUA suggests that joint degrees should be awarded, as this would enhance the reputation of both the EIT and the participating universities.

3) Further input on key aspects of the new proposal

  • EUA proposes a new name for the Knowledge Communities – “Innovation Communities” – and suggests that these should be able to respond to the open innovation process and the changing research agenda.
  • EUA agrees with the proposed establishment of an Identification Committee who would consider the criteria for the selection of the Governing board. EUA proposes that the Chair of the Identification Committee should come from the industry/business sector and be independent of EU member states governments.