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EDUFI develops new guidelines to promote internationalisation among youth

The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) has published the overview of the Guidelines for Internationalisation – How We Promote the Internationalisation of Adolescents and Young Adults 

The overview summarises the views of education providers and societal influencers on the benefits of internationalisation for adolescents and young adults, and why it is important to invest in it. The project was carried out in collaboration with the communications agency Kaskas Media. 

As part of the review, three key documents were produced: 

  1. Argument repository on the significance of internationalisation 
  2. ‘Steps to promoting internationalisation’ quick reference guide 
  3. A current state overview titled 'Guidelines for Internationalisation' 


Below is a preview of the content of the Argument Repository. 

The project concluded that internationalisation provides opportunities to gain abilities and useful skills that benefit individuals, society, and the labour market. It involves succeeding in working life, equal learning opportunities, regional vitality, growth and networking of Finnish companies, and ultimately, resolving global challenges on our shared planet. 

Following the publication of the results, EDUFI's work on promoting internationalisation will continue, with efforts to disseminate the results and apply the findings across educational sectors resuming in autumn 2024.