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Mourshed, M., Farrell, D., & Barton, D. Education to Employment: Designing a System that Works. McKinsey&Company, Washington, 2012. Pages: 104.
This report focuses on the contradiction of high levels of youth unemployment and the shortage of job seekers with critical skills. The analysis presented in this report aims to provide cues as to what may improve the successful transition from education to the labour market. The authors have analysed more than 100 education-to-employment initiatives from 25 countries and have developed a survey involving youth, education providers and employers in Brazil, Germany, India, Mexico, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States. The authors note that there is an apparent shortage of hard data on which skills are needed for employment and on effective training practices. Some of the main findings include the discrepant perceptions of youth, employers and education providers and the fact that the most innovative and effective programs involve the active cooperation and interdependence between education providers and employers.