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This month EAIE has published the EAIE Barometer: Internationalisation in Europe (second edition) – Signposts of success, an analysis of the links between different internationalisation activities and approaches at higher education institutions (HEIs) in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and outlooks on the present and future of internationalisation among HEI staff. Based on the data collected for the 2018 EAIE Barometer: Internationalisation in Europe (second edition) (see ACA Newsletter - Education Europe, October 2018), the report focuses on three main aspects: 1) the respondents’ perceived progress of their HEI in pursuing strategic priorities in the past three years, 2) the perceived level of internationalisation at their HEI within the national context, and 3) the level of optimism among respondents concerning the future of internationalisation at their HEI.
The findings show that an intentional, strategic, coordinated and broad internationalisation approach is strongly linked with respondents’ positive outlook and a sense of the institution’s success in internationalisation. Similarly, clearly set targets and regular evaluation create the same positive perception of institution’s work and achievements on internationalisation. In sum, the data point to nine key factors that influence the perception and outlook of the HEI professionals who responded to the survey. The “nine key directions”, as they are called in the report, are presented in the image below.