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EACEA/03/2019 – Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme 2019

The overall objective of the programme is to enhance human capital development in Africa, while strengthening intra-African collaboration as called for by Agenda 2063.
The programme's specific objectives are to:
  • increase the employability of students;
  • improve the quality of higher education in Africa and its relevance to Africa's development vision;
  • strengthen the modernisation and internationalisation of African higher education institutions and promote the development of an African higher education and research space.

Mobility of students and staff between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is expected to help them acquire stronger knowledge and skills and contribute to improve the quality and relevance of teaching and learning through exchanges of practices. In addition, the scheme will contribute to strengthen the modernisation and internationalisation strategies of HEIs through the establishment of mechanisms to manage the mobility flows. This will in turn increase HEIs’ capacity to forge partnerships with other institutions to undertake joint collaboration and research.

Furthermore, the programme is bringing together partners from different regions, which will have to set up adequate mechanisms to organise the exchanges, such as arrangements to compare curricula and recognise the study periods abroad. It is therefore expected that the programme will enhance harmonisation and standardisation of higher education and make a substantial contribution to regional integration.

Published on: 11/03/2019
Deadline: 12/06/2019 – 12.00 (Brussels time)
Total budget: EUR 9 800 000

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