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Czech National Agency for International Education (DZS) organised in Brno on 15 - 16 October an annual joint seminar of four neighbouring countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Austria. During this Infoday on centralised Erasmus+ activities in higher education, five actions were presented (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees, Jean Monnet, Knowledge Alliances, Capacity Building in Higher Education and a new type of action, European Universities). Practical aspects of project preparation and implementation were covered in parallel workshops building on presentations of good practice. The conference participants followed a presentation from a representative of the European Commission, opening speech from a representative of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, as well as the presentations made by special guests from Erasmus+ National Offices in Lebanon, Moldova, and Montenegro. Programme, presentations, compendium, and photos from the event can be found here.
At the end of September, the Study in the Czech Republic published a new video promoting Czech higher education targeted on potential international students. The video introduces successful graduates of Czech HEIs and their projects. Therefore, you can see the prototype of the T3 Coupé tram, learn about space research in collaboration with NASA and Czech HEIs, or about an application that can measure the speed of moving bodies. The aim is to show Czech institutions as centres of innovation and, at the same time, to reach international alumni of Czech HEIs and involve them in the promotion of studies in the Czech Republic. This is already the fourth joint video project of Study in the Czech Republic and the successful internet show called Honest Guide. The video reached nearly 38,000 views in the first week. You can find all the videos on the YouTube of Honest Guide and Study in the Czech Republic, as well as on the Study in the Czech Republic FB page.