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Delivering Education across Borders in the European Union

European Commission. Delivering Education across Borders in the European Union. Publications Office of the European Union, 2013. Pages: 130.

This report is based on a new study from the European Commission on the franchising or validation of higher education programmes and the opening of branch campuses in other EU countries, also known as ‘cross-border higher education’ (CBHE). The study was conducted by a consortium led by the Bertelsmann Stiftung, including Ecorys, ESMU and Horváth & Partners, in partnership with CHE Consult.

The objectives of the study are as follows:

  • mapping the cross-border provision of higher education services in 27 EU member states, both for EU and non-EU based institutions;
  • mapping, analysing and assessing relevant regulatory frameworks in place at member state level;
  • discussing and analysing the risks and benefits of cross-border delivery of higher education as well as quality issues.
The study revealed that cross-border higher education still affects only a small number of students in the EU, but indicates that this number is steadily growing. Report