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DAAD publishes its annual report 2019

DAAD has published its annual report 2019. On the occasion of its publication, the organisation has emphasised the importance of international collaboration in times of the Corona-pandemic. The funding of long-term academic cooperation programmes allows the development of scientific networks, which are of particular importance today, when mobilities are restricted.

Equally, the current crisis shows the importance of digitalization in international academic collaboration. The DAAD programme “International Mobility and Cooperation Digital”, which is highlighted in the 2019 report, extends physical mobility with virtual components. 

The annual report provides information about the most important projects, current statistics and an overview of the tasks of the German Academic Exchange Service. In 2019, the DAAD granted academic and research funding to 145,659 students, graduates and academics from Germany and foreign countries (including EU programmes).

DAAD has also published the annual report of DAAD branch offices abroad (18 in total), including the DAAD Brussels Office, which provides an overview of the organisations’ activities in Brussels in 2019.


DAAD Annual Report 2019 is available (in German) here.

The Annual Report of DAAD Branch Offices 2019 is available (in German) here.