The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) has launched a new programme called Internationale Mobilität und Kooperation digital (International mobility and digital cooperation, IMKD). The program aims to build digitally supported transnational curricula and study programmes, promote methodology and digital literacy, implement service-oriented, digitally based transnational teaching infrastructures. It also aims to support student mobility through transparent teaching and learning and advanced digital management practices.
The programme, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is addressed to German higher education students, graduates and teaching staff, who wish to strengthen their internationalisation through a digitally supported approach for teaching and student mobility. The programme will finance, among other things, the university staff involved in the project implementation, project-related travel and events, the development of innovative teaching formats and their implementation in curricula, measures for lifelong learning, measures for IT development and short term mobility of students and professors.
Applications may be submitted by German universities as well as by university consortia made of German and international partners.
Website link (in German)