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The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in collaboration with the Universities of Bayreuth (Germany) and Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), inaugurated on 4 September, the German-Tanzanian Centre of Excellence for Law in Dar es Salaam. This centre for postgraduate studies in Law offers African students the possibility to obtain a master’s degree in Law and to participate in a constitutive PhD programme thereafter.
The centre is only the first out of the five centres of excellence to be inaugurated in Africa by DAAD. Within the framework of the Action Africa initiative of the German Federal Foreign Office, four centres similar to the one in Tanzania will be established in the coming months in Ghana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Namibia and South Africa. The centres offer teaching and research opportunities for future leaders in African states and international organisations, covering subjects that range from Law, Development Research and Health Science to Finance and Logistics.