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The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) released the Wissenschaft weltoffen kompakt 2019, namely the latest Facts and Figures on the International Nature of Study and Research in Germany. The kompakt provides figures and statistics on mobility of both German students and researchers abroad and foreign students and researchers studying in Germany.
Concerning the latter category, data show that most of the foreign students come from China, followed by India, Austria, Russia, Italy and Syria; they are enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree-level courses with engineering, law, economic and social sciences, and humanities as the top-3 type of degrees.
For German students going to study abroad, the most common study destinations are Austria, the Netherlands, the UK, Switzerland, the US and China. Study abroad is divided into the categories “temporary study-related visits abroad” and “degree-related international mobility”, the latter aiming at taking a full degree abroad. However, statistics on degree-related international mobility also include data on Erasmus students and other students on temporary study-related visits abroad.
The two final sections contain data on international student mobility flows, provided by UNESCO, and on mobility of academics and researchers, both German and foreign.
Wissenschaft weltoffen kompakt 2019 (in English)