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Creating an online community of action researchers

Council of Europe- Creating an online community of action researchers
Huber J., et al. Creating an online community of action researchers. Council of Europe Publishing Strasbourg 2017. ISBN: 978-92-871-8412-2. Pages: 176.

The Council of Europe’s Pestalozzi Programme promotes the message of the Organisation and its values – human rights, democracy and the rule of law – in the practice of education (formal, non-formal and informal) and aims to support member states in including these ideals in their education systems. Basing its approach to professional development firmly on social constructivism and social constructionism, it invests in educators who create new practices.

This book represents an example of a transformational enterprise in which several practitioners from different parts of Europe gather in the Pestalozzi Programme community of practice and set out to learn how to become action researchers. While many books focus on how to carry this out, this publication is action research in action. In addition, it features examples of how participants can use online social platforms and affordable web applications in their collaboration and learning practices.

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