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Council sets new admission procedures for foreign researchers

In October, the European Council adopted a Directive which streamlines admissions procedures for foreign researchers. The “researcher’s package” sets out a specific procedure for admitting third country nationals for the purposes of scientific research within the EU. Accredited research organisations play a major role in this process, as they will have to certify the status of the researcher in a hosting agreement which will acknowledge his/her involvement in a research project, as well as the possession by the researcher of the necessary scientific skills. Delivery of a residence permit to a researcher will automatically imply the right to work without an “economic needs test” to be carried out.

The new researcher’s package contributes to the Lisbon objectives of making Europe the most competitive and knowledge-based economy of the world by fostering the admission and mobility of third country researchers in order to enhance the Community’s attractiveness for researchers from around the world and boost its position as an international centre for research.

Commission Press Release: Researcher’s package adopted