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Education ministers of the EU member states have adopted a Resolution on education and training in the European Semester. The resolution calls for appropriate involvement of education ministers in the European semester, a cycle of economic and fiscal policy coordination within the EU when Education and Training related issues are being discussed. The resolution is also the contribution from the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport (EYCS) Council to the process. It also reflects member states’ commitment to further improve the quality of ET, as well as highlights the need to ensure informed debates on related reforms and investment.
Ministers also held a public debate on how to achieve a balanced brain circulation in the EU. Topics included synergies between various policies and investment opportunities, such as European Universities, to create favourable conditions to attract and retain more talent.
Ministers held an informal lunch debate on the topic 'Green education and training for a sustainable Europe'. They reflected on the European Green Deal and possible ET policies at national and EU level, as well as synergies with other relevant policy areas, in order to contribute to sustainable development. More details on this are not available. The Croatian presidency has informed the ministers about the prolongation of the initially planned post-2020 strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training since the Commission’s proposal will be published in the second half of the year.