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Council of Europe and European Commission address HE in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The European Commissioner for Education, Jan Figel’, has recently made some recommendations for higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) at the Bosnia and Herzegovina Higher Education Working Group/Bologna Committee (HEWG), co-chaired by the Council of Europe and the BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs. The Commissioner urged the new Government in BiH to launch reforms in higher education, exemplified by a state-level higher education law, and quality assurance mechanisms.

Another important issue, discussed by the HEWG members, was the working group’s transformation into a completely locally-owned body. It was suggested that the government create a BiH Bologna Committee with the view to accelerate higher education reforms in the country.

The Higher Education Working Group has met on a regular basis for four years and has discussed, among others, Bologna Process-related issues. It rotates locations between the eight public universities in BiH. The Council of Europe provides the secretariat and financial support. Council of Europe