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Constructing an Indicator System or Scorecard for Higher Education. A Practical Guide

Martin, M. & Sauvageot, C. Constructing an Indicator System or Scorecard for Higher Education. A Practical Guide. UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning. Paris, 2011. ISBN: 978-92-803-1329-1. Pages: 83.

This joint publication of UNESCO?s International Institute for Educational Planning and its Institute for Statistics provides a useful overview of methods which could be applied to the development of systems of indicators in higher education. This information is set against the backdrop of global trends in the evolution of higher education systems and related governance approaches. The paper invites readers to look into

  • the rationale and prerequisites for developing an indicator system;
  • different approaches to and stages of measurement, with respect to the development of indicators in the planning cycle;
  • the use of indicator systems for planning and monitoring purposes (including for international comparisons) both at the level of select higher education institutions and higher education systems, through the analysis of various cases; 
  • calculation, analysis and presentation methods; and
  • practical aspects of organising and managing the production of an indicator system.

The publication refers to examples around the world, highlighting European experiences as well as the practices of several countries in Africa and Southeast Asia.  It targets those higher education institutions which aim to strengthen their management capacity as well as their information systems and monitoring tools.

UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning