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Communication on a European agenda for culture in a globalizing world

The European Commission has recently adopted a policy statement on the role of culture in a globalizing world through its impact on economic growth and intercultural understanding, proposing “the first-ever European strategy for culture.” The document recognise the need for a European cultural strategy that is both open to diversity within Europe, and at the same time open to the world. The European Commission intends to allocate a Community contribution to the fund of about 30 million Euro for the period from 2007 – 2013, and invites the member states to contribute to the fund with additional resources. The policy statement presents three major objectives that form a cultural strategy:
  • promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue;
  • promotion of culture as a catalyst for creativity in the framework of the Lisbon Strategy;
  • promotion of culture as a vital element in the EU's international relations.
This new cultural strategy was announced in a communication that discloses the results of a consultation among decision-makers and stakeholders from all over Europe about the cultural realities of today’s world. The communication also addresses the external dimension of European culture. Press release