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As we are slowly coming towards the end of the 2007-2013 seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7), the European Commission is inviting bids for the final tranche of Marie Curie fellowship grants. The EUR 227 million will be awarded to around 1000 researchers.
Individual fellowships help attract talented foreign researchers to the EU and support the mobility of individual researchers inside and outside of Europe. Applications for the current call are open until 14 August 2013.
The budget allocated for Marie Curie Actions in 2007-2013 amounted to EUR 4.7 billion, allocating nearly EUR 780 million for individual fellowships. Since 2007, over 4000 researchers in over 50 countries have benefited from Marie Curie fellowship grants.
As of 2014, Marie Curie Actions fall under the new Horizon 2020 programme and will be renamed ‘Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions’, a reminder of the Nobel prize winner’s Polish roots. The programme is still being discussed by member states and the European Parliament, but the Commission hopes to issue the first new call for applications by the end of the year.