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In Slovenia due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all educational institutions have been closed since 16 March 2020. Some universities still deliver courses online through distance learning, but not all of them.
In cooperation with Slovenia’s Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and Ministry of External Affairs CMEPIUS has offered help to all Slovenian students abroad that want to come back home. At the same time, an initiative has been launched, in cooperation with embassies, for all international students in Slovenia to return home.
More information available here.
Due to the current situation, the deadline for bilateral scholarships has been extended.
More information available here.
On 13 March 2020, Slovenia welcomed a new government and with that a new Minister for Education, Science and Sport, dr. Simona Kustec, professor at the University of Ljubljana.
Director of CMEPIUS, dr. Alenka Flander is the team leader of the Slovenian team in the APIKS (The Academic Profession in the Knowledge-Based Society) research project, which has just published a new website, where you can find more information on the project activities, developments and publications. The webpage provides also details about members of each of the country teams.
See it here.