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Closing soon! Call for tenders: Study in Europe – enhancing the attractiveness of European higher education

This call for tender will select a contractor to provide a range of products, services and events to make information on study and research opportunities in the Programme Countries more visible and accessible, with the following main objectives:
  • Strengthen the profile of European higher education on the world stage, and of EU-funded opportunities, making these more visible and accessible to mobile learners and academics.
  • Assist the international dimension of higher education and the key role that higher education plays in the EU's strategy to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy.
  • Improve the availability of targeted information on study and research opportunities in Erasmus+ Programme Countries, presenting its quality and diversity as a study destination.
  • Strengthen the promotional expertise among European higher education institutions and agencies, and offer additional promotional opportunities for all European study destinations.

Estimated value of the contract
: EUR 1.75 million

Deadline: 15 September 2017

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